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Harga Reach Truck Nichiyu 2020

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Reach Truck Nichiyu mampu bekerja dengan cepat dan maksimal baik untuk pabrik, pergudangan pertokoan, ekpedisi, cold storage, logistic system, logistic warehouse dan sebagainya.

Sebagai reach truck berkualitas, Reach Truck Nichiyu sudah memenuhi kriteria dasar untuk reach truck menengah ke atas, yaitu dapat berjalan dengan cepat, kemampuan angkat yang sangat baik dan desain yang sangat ringkas agar mudah dipahami operator.

Reach Truck Nichiyu dirancang dan diproduksi dengan standard kualitas yang tinggi demi performa dan masa pemakaian yang lama. Oleh karena itu, Reach Truck Nichiyu memiliki efisiensi dan efektivitas yang optimal, produktivitas tinggi serta perawatan yang terkontrol.

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The Leader in Reach Truck Innovation

The FBRF Series has Excellent standard features

Reach trucks must meet three basic criteria: Fast travel, high lift capability and compact design. The new FBRF series clearly excels at all three.

SICOS AC Include :

  • Self-diagnosis system
  • Hydraulic circuit
  • Electric power steering
  • Travel circuit

The Multifunctional Centralized Control System fo AC Control

SICOS-AC represents the ongoing evolution of the groundbreaking SICOS control system. It features a new type of controller tuned for full compatibility with AC systems and exhibits more powerful and more advanced capabilities. By integrating the travel, hydraulic and electric power steering functions, the systems’s advanced intelligence optimizes the operators’s interaction with the forklift.

Powerful acceleration for increased work efficiency

Our unique SICOS-AC system provides optimal control of the FBRF’s powerful travel and hydraulic AC motors. The result is highly efficient driving, lifting and turning.

Excellent maneuverability for narrow spaces

By completely redesigning the frame, we’ve reduced the minimum turning radius and right angle stacking aisle width. As a joint result with newly adopted 360° endless steering, we now lead the industry in space efficiency. At the same time, we’ve created a more spacious and comfortable operating compartment.