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Forklift Nichiyu sudah dilengkapi dengan fitur SICOS-AC untuk meningkatkan performa forklift.

Ramah Lingkungan

Forklift Nichiyu sangat ramah lingkungan & dapat digunakan di dalam ruangan maupun luar ruangan.

Operator Friendly

Forklift Nichiyu sangat mudah digunakan dan dapat bergerak dengan cepat untuk memudahkan pekerjaan.

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Further developing our popular SICOS (Super Intelligent Control System), we have adapted the AC technology on it and full-tuned to realize superior performances. The large traction and hydraulic motors are also adopted to draw the maximum power out. All of them are designed originally by Nichiyu and they are unrivaled in the industry.

Nichiyu Forklift SICOS-AC
Nichiyu Forklift Clean & Environment


Nichiyu Electric Forklift are clean because Nichiyu Electric Forklift do not emit harmful automotive exhaust. Nichiyu Electric Forklift emit absolutely no toxic gases such as CO, NOx or CO2 that cause air pollution and global warming, against which countermeasures are being taken on a global scale.

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Forklift Nichiyu